Posts Tagged With: time

Finding Time To Read

It used to be so easy. When I was younger, I would read all day long. During class, after school, at mealtimes, before bed. I would stay up late into the night engrossed in a book. I was never too tired or too busy to read. Now, I work a full time job, have a house to maintain, have to cook for myself, and am tired at the end of the day. This week has been especially hard as I’m expected to be at evening events for work. So, at the end of a long day, I come home and I want to relax and read, but I’m simply to tired to focus. It doesn’t help that the book I’m currently reading (“Guernica” by Dave Boling) is interesting, but not especially engrossing. I want to find out what happens next, but not enough to stay up an extra hour and force myself to concentrate.

So, how do you find time to read in your busy life? Do you have any suggestions for me?




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